Thursday, October 30, 2008

Introduction - Antigone has Risen

I'm a fan of Sophocles, if it isn't evident from the blog name or my screen name. In his tragedy Antigone, I used to admire Ismene. While she didn't court glory or renown, she did at least survive.

Antigone, through all her protesting and actions actually gave her life for the patriarchal standards of Zeus and the superstitious belief that she could somehow help her brother by consecrating his bones. To my thoughts, she epitomized “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” by the Smashing Pumpkins: despite all her rage, she was still just a rat in a cage. Of course, the rat did escape its cage through death. Except under extreme duress, I prefer to survive. I do not count the location/condition of my dead relative's bones as extreme duress.

Through the years of my life I have dealt with many adversities. I identified with Ismene in that, while I may not have glory or valor, I was a survivor. (My screen name on many sites at that point was Ismene.) For a time, that was enough; however, I got to the point where I didn't just want to survive, I wanted to thrive. I realized that the healthier mix was a balance of the two. You need to stand up and use your voice when it is important to you.

About this time, I was in counseling to deal with my divorce, among other things. In a Starbucks one day, I noticed a CD for a band called Antigone Rising. It caught my attention. Not only did I purchase the CD, I changed my screen name to AntigoneRising. At this point, I've found my voice and I believe Antigone Risen is more apt.

I've posted on Blogs and Q/A sites now for several years, and have noticed that I like to give my informed opinion, that people are receptive to it, and would like to branch out to write about subjects in a more detailed manner.

I tend to focus heavily on politics, religion, and other socioeconomic issues.

That's me, and this is my blog. Welcome.

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